VLÜ 35 (Marko Matvere)

Orkester Väikeste Lõõtspillide Ühing sündis 1989. aasta juunis noorukite taltsutamatust himust mängida lõõtspille.
Korralikke instrumente polnud meie kodumaal sel jubedal ajal kuskilt võimalik soetada.
Kord sattusid asutajaliikmed üheskoos maapoodi, kus silmasid riiulil tillukesi, lastele mõeldud garmoškasid.
Hind oli soodne ning vabatahtlik kodanikeühendus registreeris end Pärnu Maakonnavalitsuses.
Raugematust kirest selle seksika muusikamasina zinina vastu moodustus 1995. aastal rahvalikku muusikat mängiv tantsuorkester.
Ühingu praegused liikmed on Marko Matvere, Raido Koppel, Joel Sarv, Erkki-Kalle Esop, Aivar Vassiljev ja Sander Udikas.
An Association of Small Accordions (Väikeste Lõõtspillide Ühing) was formed in June of 1989,
when a group of youngsters could not tame their need to play accordions.
Decent instruments were nowhere to be bought in our homeland during that terrible time.
Once, the founding members found themselves in a local shop in the countryside and their attention was driven
to the shelf where the small Russian garmoshkas meant for children were situated.
The price was cheap and the voluntary civic association got itself registered at the administration of Pärnu county.
From the ceaseless passion towards the sexy buzz of this instrument, a dance orchestra of national folk music was formed.
The association's current members are Marko Matvere, Raido Koppel, Joel Sarv, Erkki-Kalle Esop, Aivar Vassiljev and Sander Udikas.